Monday, February 9, 2015


You must never lose sight of it.
No matter how dark things may seem.

One day it’ll all make sense.
But until then you must remain strong.

Someone has to do it,
If not you, then who?

Never give up on people,
Even when they’ve given up on you.

Trust and Believe,
That everything happens for a reason.

Know that everything will be ok.
That you will be ok.

No matter what happens,
Never stop loving.

No matter what happens,
Never stop believing.

Never give up on who you are.
Never give up on who you want to be.

Always stand up for what is right...

...Even if you stand alone.

This world needs good people.
You can be one of those people.

This world will try to destroy
the light in your heart
Don’t let it.

You never know,
When the world will need that light.

So never let go of it,
Because it only takes one spark
to start a forest fire.